Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
10th International Conference on Environmental Chemistry, will be organized around the theme “Innovations and Reforms in Chemistry ”
Environmental Chemistry 2021 is comprised of 26 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Environmental Chemistry 2021.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Environmental Geology unites the core foundation of environmental science and places particular emphasis on the study of geology and executing it to real-world situations. It is an applied science concerned with the practical application of the basis of geology in the iron out of environmental problems. It includes Hydrogeology, Environmental Mineralogy, Hydro geochemistry, Soil Mechanics etc. The fundamentals concepts of environmental geology are Human population growth, Sustainability, Hazardous earth processes etc. Environmental Geology employs in geologic hazards, topical issues, and natural resources of concern to society such as change in climate and provides sound advice about how humanity can live responsibly on Earth. Research on environmental geology emphases on the physical and chemical processes occurring at or nearby the Earth’s surface impacting by human activities. Hydrogeology is important nowadays as some piece of the world are sacred with frequent rainfall and plentiful surface water resources, but most countries need to use the water that is underground stored to supplement their needs. Environmental geology applies prediction and study of geologic complications like Earth materials, Landscape evaluation, Natural hazards, Environmental impact analysis and remediation.
- Track 1-1•  Effect on Reproduction
- Track 1-2 •  Phototropism
- Track 1-3 •  Effect on Morphology
- Track 1-4•  The effects of temperature on plants and animals
Environmental chemistry is the scientific review of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in natural places. Environmental chemistry is described as the study of the sources, reactions, transport, effects of chemical species in the air, soil, and water environments; and also the effect of human activity on these. Environmental chemistry is an integrative science that has atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, also as uses analytical chemistry. It is allied to environmental and other areas of science. It is different from green chemistry, which tries to trim potential pollution at its source. Whereas Environmental engineering deals with the combination of sciences and engineering principles to develop the natural environment, to produce healthy air, water, and land for human habitation and for other organisms, and to procure pollution sites.
Polymer engineering is an engineering that designs analysis and modify polymer material. Basic divisions of polymer are thermoplastic,elastomer,and thermoset which helps to design areas of application compounding and processing of polymer are major description of polymer. It includes different types of polymerization. The special technical importance of polymers may be judged by the actual fact that half of the professional organic chemists employed by industry in the US(united states)are engaged in research or development related to polymers.
- Track 3-1 Thermoplastics
- Track 3-2Fluid mechanics
Environmental chemistry is the scientific review of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in natural places. Environmental chemistry is described as the study of the sources, reactions, transport, effects of chemical species in the air, soil, and water environments; and also the effect of human activity on these. Environmental chemistry is an integrative science that has atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, also as uses analytical chemistry. It is allied to environmental and other areas of science. It is different from green chemistry, which tries to trim potential pollution at its source. Whereas Environmental engineering deals with the combination of sciences and engineering principles to develop the natural environment, to produce healthy air, water, and land for human habitation and for other organisms, and to procure pollution sites.
- Track 4-1Energy conversion
- Track 4-2 Nano science
Energy storage is the capture of energy that produces energy for onetime or later several times. A device that stores energy is called accumulator. Both wind and solar power in recent years can help to provide valuable source of renewable energyWind turbines and Photovoltaic by installation can produce enough energy to sustain themselves. Bulk energy storage is dominated by pumped hydro which accounts for 98% global energy storage.
- Track 5-1•  Solid waste management
- Track 5-2 •  Sustainable development
- Track 5-3•  Bio- gas and biomass
- Track 5-4•  Solar energy
- Track 5-5•  Bio-fuels
Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the utilization or generation of hazardous substances. Green chemistry applies across the life cycle of a chemical product, including its design, manufacture, use, and ultimate disposal. Green chemistry is also known as sustainable chemistry. Green chemistry reduces pollution at its source by minimizing or eliminating the hazards of chemical feed stocks, reagents, solvents, and products.
- Track 6-1•  Human impact on the environment
- Track 6-2 •  Environmental sustainability and development
- Track 6-3•  Air, water pollution & treatment
- Track 6-4 •  Industrial pollution
- Track 6-5 •  Waste management & treatment
- Track 6-6•  Pollution control technologies & devices
Human population development, ascending according to capita material utilization, and troublesome advancements have made progress a worldwide environmental constrain. Human initiated worldwide natural changes perceive two expansive and covering field of study. Digestion examines the stream of materials and vitality through the chain of extraction, generation, utilization and transfer of present day modern culture.
- Track 7-1• Industrial Revolution
- Track 7-2 • Water resource management
- Track 7-3 • Effects of human overpopulation
- Track 7-4• Population dynamics
- Track 7-5• Population dynamics
Environmental toxicology is the science and practices of the adverse effects mainly of chemicals other man-made agents in the environment and through the environment. The targeted receptors of those adverse effects are also both the ecosystem and also the human. Environmental toxicology includes the study of chemical substances potential and actual contaminants – polluting air, water, soil and food, their impacts upon the structure and function of ecological systems, including man as well as the use of these results for decision making and environmental management.
- Track 8-1•  Sources of environmental toxicity
- Track 8-2•  Biodegradation
- Track 8-3 •  Bio magnification
- Track 8-4 •  Effects of mutagens
- Track 8-5•  Mutagen test systems
Environmental innovation is the use of a minimum one of natural science, green science, natural checking and electronic gadgets to screen, model and ration the common habitat and assets, and to control the negative effects of human association. Feasible advancement markers are measures of manageability, and endeavour to evaluate past the non-specific idea. In spite of the fact that there are contradictions among from various controls and global associations have each offered measures. While supportability pointers, records, and revealing frameworks increased developing prevalence in both general society and private parts.
- Track 9-1•  Resource productivity
- Track 9-2•  Solid waste management
- Track 9-3 •  Environmental remediation
- Track 9-4 •  Sustainable development
Environmental science is a multidisciplinary academic field both biological and information sciences to the environmental study. The science fields that are incorporated into ecology science include geography, economics, and social science. Philosophy and ethics are the two fields within the humanities that are included in environmental science. The surface environment of the Earth is disciplined by interactions between the deep Earth, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere. This intercommunication occur on timescales starting from picoseconds for chemical reactions on mineral surfaces to the lots of years over which plate tectonic processes and earth’s evolution occur. Investigations are open on what shapes our world and also the environment in which we live, in order to know the interactions between Earth's geology, atmosphere, biosphere, oceans, and human responses and roles.
- Track 10-1•  Atmospheric science
- Track 10-2 •  Environmental studies and environmental engineering
- Track 10-3 •  Natural resource management
- Track 10-4•  Effects of global climate change
- Track 10-5 •  Oceanology
- Track 10-6•  Interactions of the physical, chemical, and biological component
This Area reviews the origins and nature of environmental challenges facing society through the study of their scientific, socio-economic and political dimensions, and prospect the ways of addressing these challenges through environmental, natural resource management, conservation and policy approaches. It is concerned with existing and emerging strategies for avoiding and managing the impacts of human activities and for conserving the resources of the biosphere in ways that are supporting to sustainable development. It provides knowledge, concepts, and skills needed to be effective in environmental management in business, government, and not-for-profit sectors.
- Track 11-1•  Natural resources
- Track 11-2 •  Biodiversity conservation
- Track 11-3 •  Natural resources
- Track 11-4 •  Economics
Environmental Health is the field of science and mainly focused on the natural and built environments for the benefit of human health. Environmental health field tries to limit the harmful exposures through natural things like oil, water, air food, etc. Environmental health and safety creates the physical work environment which encompasses the promotion and maintenance of the physical, mental and social well-being of employees or workers in the organization. It includes reducing work-related injury, illness and disability by addressing the harmful hazards and risks of the physical environment. Reducing physical job hazards may also reduce work related stress in employees in workplace.
- Track 12-1•  Environmental health and ergonomics
- Track 12-2•  Environmental health and occupational safety programs
- Track 12-3 •  Climate change biology
- Track 12-4•  Climate change biology
- Track 12-5 •  Environmental factors in breast cancer
- Track 12-6•  Social factors in the environment
Environmental chemistry application areas
- Track 13-1• Risk/Hazard Assessments and Environmental Impact Assessmentsu
- Track 13-2• Surface water quality protection
- Track 13-3 • Environmental Management
- Track 13-4 • Groundwater protection
- Track 13-5• Soil protection
- Track 13-6 • Cleaner production and waste management Policy.
- Track 13-7• Organometallic
Ecological instruction is a procedure that allows people to analyse natural issues, take part in critical thinking, and make a move to enhance the planet (earth). It is a multi-disciplinary field incorporating orders, for example, science, science, material science, nature, earth science, air science, arithmetic, and topography. It is a multi-disciplinary field incorporating orders, like science, material science, environment, barometrical science, arithmetic, and topography.
- Track 14-1• environmental epidemiology
- Track 14-2• toxicology
- Track 14-3 • exposure science
- Track 14-4• environmental engineering
An environmental disaster is a natural environment due to human action. Environmental disasters can have effect on agriculture, biodiversity, economy and human health. . Disasters aren’t random and don’t occur by accidentally. They are the convergence of hazards and vulnerable conditions. Disasters not only reveal underlying social, economic, political and environmental problems, but unfortunately contribute to worsening them. Such events pose serious challenges to development, as they erode hard-earned gains in terms of political and social progress, like wise infrastructure and technological development.
- Track 15-1•  Agricultural biotechnology
- Track 15-2 •  Microbial phylogenetic
- Track 15-3 •  Microbial ecology and physiology
- Track 15-4 •  Applied microbiology
- Track 15-5 •  Earthquakes
- Track 15-6•  Floods and droughts
- Track 15-7 •  Environmental impact of agriculture
An environmental disaster is a natural environment due to human action. Environmental disasters can have effect on agriculture, biodiversity, economy and human health. . Disasters aren’t random and don’t occur by accidentally. They are the convergence of hazards and vulnerable conditions. Disasters not only reveal underlying social, economic, political and environmental problems, but unfortunately contribute to worsening them. Such events pose serious challenges to development, as they erode hard-earned gains in terms of political and social progress, like wise infrastructure and technological development.
- Track 16-1•  Agricultural biotechnology
- Track 16-2 •  Microbial phylogenetic
- Track 16-3 •  Microbial ecology and physiology
- Track 16-4•  Applied microbiology
- Track 16-5 •  Earthquakes
- Track 16-6•  Floods and droughts
- Track 16-7 •  Environmental impact of agriculture
Environmental design is the manner of addressing surrounding environmental parameters when devising plans, policies, programs, buildings, or products. Environmental design may also check with the applied arts and sciences dealing with creating the human-designed environment. These fields constitute architecture, geography, urban planning, landscape architecture, and interior design. Environmental design may also encircle interdisciplinary areas like historical preservation and lighting design. In terms of a bigger scope, environmental design has implications for the industrial design of products: wind-electricity generators, innovative automobiles, solar-electric equipment, and different kinds of equipment could serve as examples. Currently, the term has expanded to use wind-electricity generators to ecological and sustainability issues.
- Track 17-1•  Landscape architecture
- Track 17-2•  Lighting design
- Track 17-3 •  Solar photo-voltaic
- Track 17-4•  Hybrid degree programs
- Track 17-5 •  Hybrid degree programs
- Track 17-6•  Environmental health and ergonomics
- Track 17-7 •  Environmental health and occupational safety programs
- Track 17-8•  Climate change biology
Climatic factors include rainfall and water, light, temperature, air and wind. They are abiotic components, including topography and soil, of the environmental factors that influence plant growth and development. These factors may be biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living). The sum of these factors constitutes the environment of an organism.
These are all kinds of interactions between different forms of life. These are plants, animals, micro-organisms.
- Track 18-11) Climatic or Aerial factors: • Light • Temperature • Water • Atmospheric gases • Humidity
- Track 18-2 2) Topographic or Physiographic factors: • Altitude • Direction of mountain chains and valleys
- Track 18-33) Edaphic factors: These deal with formation of soil, its physical and chemical properties and details of related aspects
Environmental chemistry is the scientific review of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in natural places. Environmental chemistry is described as the study of the sources, reactions, transport, effects of chemical species in the air, soil, and water environments; and also the effect of human activity on these. Environmental chemistry is an integrative science that has atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, also as uses analytical chemistry. It is allied to environmental and other areas of science. It is different from green chemistry, which tries to trim potential pollution at its source. Whereas Environmental engineering deals with the combination of sciences and engineering principles to develop the natural environment, to produce healthy air, water, and land for human habitation and for other organisms, and to procure pollution sites.
- Track 19-1•  Organic chemistry
- Track 19-2•  Energy conversion
- Track 19-3•  Polymer chemistry
- Track 19-4•  Bioprocess
- Track 19-5 •  Nano science
- Track 19-6  Protein engineering
- Track 19-7 •  Synthetic chemistry
- Track 19-8•  Chemical and biochemical techniques
- Track 19-9•  Plant biochemistry
Environmental biotechnology is used to check the natural environment. Environmental biotechnology could also imply that one try to harness biological (organic) process for commercial uses and exploitation. Molecular biotechnology is the use of laboratory techniques to check and modify nucleic acids and proteins for applications in areas like human and animal health, agriculture, and also the environment. Molecular biotechnology results from the convergence of many areas of research, like biological science, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics, and cell biology.
- Track 20-1•  Agricultural biotechnology
- Track 20-2•  Microbial phylogenetic
- Track 20-3 •  Microbial ecology and physiology
- Track 20-4 •  Applied microbiology
- Track 20-5•  Bio indicators
- Track 20-6•  Biosensors
- Track 20-7 •  Pollution prevention
- Track 20-8•  Bio-remediation
Environmental Biology is the study of organism’s interaction with the environment, and how they adapt to changing environments. It explores the interconnections among biology, ecology, evolution, and conservation. Environments consist of many components including both physical features, such as climate and soil type, and biological features, such as prey and predators. The term environmental biology has wider connotations than ecology because it includes the study of humans in the environment, so you will find such subjects as agriculture, pollution and the unnatural surroundings. Understanding the ecology of an area is like trying to put together a gigantic, multidimensional jigsaw. Some pieces are the individual species in the area.
- Track 21-1•  Ecosystem
- Track 21-2•  Impacts of actions, pollutants, and conditions on wild communities
- Track 21-3•  Architectural and engineering services
- Track 21-4•  Water-borne pathogens
- Track 21-5•  Agricultural and urban runof
Energy and environment are related in the technological and scientific aspects including energy conservation, and also the synergy of energy forms and systems with the physical environment. The levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen by 31% between 1800 and 2000, going from 280 parts per million to 367 parts per million. Scientists predict that co2 levels could be as high as 970 parts per million by the year 2100. Different factors are accountable for this development, like the promotion with respect to technical parameters of energy converters, especially, improved efficiency; discharge characteristics and increased lifetime. Various environmental policies have been implemented across the world for reduction of GHG emissions for improvement of environment.
- Track 22-1•  Renewable energy
- Track 22-2 •  Solid waste management
- Track 22-3•  Sustainable development
- Track 22-4 •  Biogas and biomass
- Track 22-5•  Biofuels
- Track 22-6•  Solar energy
Geochemistry is the science that uses the apparatuses and standards of science to clarify the instruments behind major land frameworks, for e.g.: the Earth's covering and its seas. The domain of geochemistry stretches out past the world, enveloping the total Solar System and has made critical commitments to the comprehension of various procedures including mantle convection, the development of planets and the causes of rock and basalt. The investigation of the strong Earth and the seas, and the procedures that shape them, is principal to understanding the Earth and Environment as an advancing framework.
- Track 23-1•  Mineral constitution
- Track 23-2•  Earthquake seismology
- Track 23-3•  Petrology
- Track 23-4 •  Hydro thermal vents
Polymer engineering is an engineering that designs analysis and modify polymer material. Basic divisions of polymer are thermoplastic,elastomer,and thermoset which helps to design areas of application compounding and processing of polymer are major description of polymer. It includes different types of polymerization. The special technical importance of polymers may be judged by the actual fact that half of the professional organic chemists employed by industry in the US(united states)are engaged in research or development related to polymers.
- Track 24-1•  Developing polymer processing
- Track 24-2 •  Physical and organic chemistry
- Track 24-3•  Thermoplastics
- Track 24-4•  Fluid mechanics
- Track 24-5 •  Polymerization
Biogeochemical cycle is a pathway by which an artificial substance travels through both the biotic and abiotic parts of Earth. Biogeochemical discloses to us that organic, topographical and compound variables are included. There are numerous biogeochemical cycles that are as of now being considered interestingly as environmental change and human effects are radically changing the speed, power, and adjust of those moderately obscure cycles. Hydrology is the scientific study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the water cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability. Hydrology subdivides into surface water hydrology, groundwater hydrology (hydrogeology), and marine hydrology. Domains of hydrology include hydrometeorology, surface hydrology, hydrogeology, drainage-basin management and water quality.
- Track 25-1•  Carbon cycle
- Track 25-2 •  Phosphorus cycle
- Track 25-3•  Mercury cycle
- Track 25-4•  Water cycle
Concentrated solar power (CSP, also known as concentrating solar power, concentrated solar thermal) systems generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight onto a receiver. Electricity is generated when the concentrated light is converted to heat (solar thermal energy), which drives a heat engine (usually a steam turbine) connected to an electrical power generator or powers a thermochemical reaction.