Biography: Gökberk Kara
In Istanbul, where dense industrialization and dense population are located, people can use Marmara Sea for recreational reasons. The beaches in which they interacted with the sea were selected primarily for the determination of heavy metal pollution. This study proposed to investigate the quality of seawater to protect health of people which do recreational activities such as swimming. Cr, and Zn concentrations and pH, temperature in seawater samples taken weekly from Kucuksu, Fenerbahce and Suadiye beaches in Asian side of Istanbul were investigated between 9 February 2009 and 4 May 2009. Measured temperature values varied from 7.1 to 27.60C and measured pH values varied from 8.15 to 8.47. The Cr and Zn concentrations analyzed by the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) were under the limit values by the Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation published by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. These findings indicate that there is no significant threat to aquatic life and human health from these heavy metals in sea water in Marmara Sea.
The directorate of Scientific Research Projects (BAP) of Marmara University, grant number FEN-D-120813-0355 supported this project.