Haider A. Khwaja
University at Albany
In line with my goals for use-inspired research, I have promoted practical environmental change through my scholarship. I have spent considerable time to train the next generation of successful environmental scientists. With peer-reviewed articles in high impact scientific journals in the field, presentations, my research group has covered a wide range of topics. My contribution to the scientific community is illustrated by an extensive record of teaching, conference presentations, my activity as a program committee member for international conferences, invited talks local and internationally, serving as chair of doctoral and master’s dissertation committees, my service as a reviewer for scientific journals and Ph.D. theses, my participation as organizing workshops, and my service as an environmental consultant for United Nations Development Program (UNDP). My long-term vision is to maintain a research program that investigates emerging applied research issues and has a multidisciplinary nature. The outcomes of my research efforts are expected to greatly enhance quality of life and improve environmental factors impacting human life.
Research Interest
Effects of particulate matter on daily morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases in urban centers, Chemical characteristics of fine particles responsible for the observed health effects,Exposure and health impacts related to indoor and outdoor air pollution including studies of indoor allergens, diesel vehicle emissions, volatile organic compounds, PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), and other air toxins Water and Human Health issues, such as drinking-water quality and human health risks associated with water contaminants, Bioaerosols