Haider A Khwaja
University at Albany, USA
Dr. Haider A. Khwaja has twenty-seven years of solid research experience on environmental projects. He is the Director of the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry at the Wadsworth Center, NYSDOH. Dr. Khwaja is a faculty member at the Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University at Albany, where he teaches and mentors graduate and undergraduate students. He has been carrying out various environmental projects in USA and in developing countries. Active research programs include:
• Effects of particulate matter on daily morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases in urban areas
• Chemical characteristics of fine particles responsible for the observed health effects
• Exposure and health impacts related to outdoor and indoor air pollution including studies of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), diesel vehicle emission, air toxins, and indoor allergens
Water and human health issues such as drinking water quality and human health risks associated with water contaminants.
Abstract : An assessment of air quality in the surrounding holy places of Mecca, Saudi Arabia during Hajj